1. | | | Age dependence of exercise oxygen pulse in athletic boys aged 11 to 15
2. | | | Altitude and growth among Venezuelan schoolchildren of the Andean region
3. | | | Attained height of boys at puberty as a reflection social differences
4. | | | Body fat content and physical work capacity of adult soccer players
5. | | | Causes which limit the growth of the animal body
6. | | | Changes in the birth weight, birth length, and head circumference of Hungarian children in country Baranya between 1968 and 1979-81
7. | | | A comparison of somatic and motor characteristics in Arab and Hungarian pupils
8. | | | Comparison of somatotypes of Czechoslovakian and Canadian rhytmic sportive gymnasts
9. | | | Descendant' statures as determined by sex differences appearing in parents' statures?
10. | | | Developmental rate in Debrecen girls from the age of 7 to 22 years
11. | | | Effect of stone dust on morpho-physiological functions in malis of Rajasthan
12. | | | End of secular trends in height and maturational rate of Swedish youth?
13. | | | Ethnic dimorphism in prepubescent boys
14. | | | Growth and genetics
15. | | | Growth type and exercise changes in skin temperature in athletic boys
16. | | | Gymnastic performance as related to anthropometric and somatotype characteristics in male gymnasts
17. | | | Height standards of children at ages 2 to 16 allowing for height of parents, based on the "Budapest longitudinal growth study"
18. | | | Heredity - environment influences, on growth and maturation during puberty : A cross-cultural comparison
19. | | | The method of probits in auxology
20. | | | Newborn's development by sociodemographic factors in a representative survey
21. | | | Number of handicapped children in Hungary
22. | | | On the interpretation of the curves of menarche/oigarche
23. | | | On the usefulness of incides from postcranial body measurements in classification of constitutional components, illustrated data of the "Braunschweig longitudinal study"
24. | | | Percentiles of the human growth velocity, based on the "Budapest longitudinal growth study"
25. | | | Physical development and maturation in relation to mental performance in girls from age 10 to 14
26. | | | Physical fitness differences in Hungarian school-age children with special regard to explosive leg strength
27. | | | Physical structure and performance of young soccer players
28. | | | Preliminary results of a study on changes in growth of girls from Bremerhaven
29. | | | Reference data of two skinfold thicknesses (triceps and subscapular) for boys and girls from birth to the age of six years, based on a national representative growth study
30. | | | Reflections on the question: "Youth at the end of the 20th century" : Opening address at the fifth International Symposium of Human Biology : Keszthely, 3-6 June, 1991
31. | | | Regional differences in growth of Venezuelans
32. | | | Relationship between indices of sexual maturation and physical performance
33. | | | Relationships between development of secondary sex characteristics and socio-ecological factors
34. | | | Reliability of height prediction methods in short stature children
35. | | | Secular trend of morphofunctional status of Lithuanian children
36. | | | Skinfold thicknesses (triceps and subscapular) of infants of low birth weight compared to the reference data from birth to the age of six years
37. | | | Socioeconomic differences in head measurements in Hungarian University students
38. | | | Somatic, motor and cognitive characteristics of Italian schoolchildren
39. | | | A study on the secular trend in young adults
40. | | | The sum of skinfolds and the O-Scale system for physique assessment rating of adiposity
41. | | | Twins: Italian standards for weight, length and headsize at birth