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Arányi P. - Kapcsolódó tételek

1.  Abstracts from the annula meeting of the Hungarian Biochemistry Society Drug Biochemistry Section : Balatonöszöd, May 29-31 1996
2.  Behavioural effects of selective PDE4 inhibitors in relation to inhibition of catalytic activity and competition for [3H]rolipram binding
3.  Biochemical effect and kinetics of thrombin inhibition by GYKI-14766
4.  Effects of prolyl-endopeptidase inhibitors on memory-related behaviour in rats
5.  Introduction
6.  Postconditioning attenuates remote organ injury after lower limb arterial occlusion
7.  Terápiás hypothermia okozta QT-megnyúlás és "torsade de pointes" kamrai tachycardia

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