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MEMBRÁNPOTENCIÁLOK - Kapcsolódó tételek

1.  Calcium transients in snail neurones
2.  The effect of millimeter-range electromagnetic waves of low intensity on cellular membranes
3.  Fluorescent measurement of synaptosomal membrane potential with enhanced accuracy
4.  Intracellular recordings with patch-clamp pipettes from neurons; technical problems in analysis of conductance changes during brief oxygen deprivation of hippocampal slices
5.  Ioncsatornák szerepe immunmediált kórképekben
6.  A K+-ioncsatornák szerepe az érsimaizom tónusának szabályozásában
7.  Papaverine blocks the early outward currents in Helix neurons
8.  Slow membrane potential changes in skeletal muscle induced in Cl-free medium
9.  Subthreshold membrane potential dynamics of posterior parietal cortical neurons coupled with hippocampal ripples
10.  A whole-cell patch-clamp study of hypoxia spreading depression

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