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NEURONOK - Kapcsolódó tételek

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1.  Az agy és a fájdalom: az érzékelés és a válasz agypályái és transzmitterei
2.  Application of atomic force microscopy for investigation of Na+,K+-ATPase signal-transducing function
3.  Association of GDNF and CNTNAP2 gene variants with gambling
4.  Calcium transients in snail neurones
5.  A cochlea trigeminalis beidegzése
6.  Complex neurochemical modulation of pallidal single neuron activity in the rat
7.  Computer analysis of single neuron activity during conditioned feeding task
8.  Distribution of GABA-immunoreactive neurons in the terminal ganglion of the isopod Porcellio scaber
9.  Distribution of serotonin-like immunoreactive neurones in the embryonic nervous system of lymnaeid and planorbid snails
10.  Dynamic changes in neuronal volume resulting from osmotic and sodium transport manipulations
11.  Effect of capsaicin on voltage-gated currents of trigeminal neurones in cell culture and slice preparations
12.  Effect of local (intracerebral and intracerebroventricular) administration of tyrosine hydroxylase inhibitor on the neuroendocrine dopaminergic neurons and prolactin release = A tirozin-hidroxiláz-...
13.  Effect of serotonin and opiate peptides on ion-currents of dialysed Helix-neurons
14.  Effects of beta-amyloid on cholinergic, cholinoceptive and GABAergic neurons
15.  Effects of high salt concentration on the open probability of the background chloride channel
16.  A frontalis-subcorticalis neuronhálózatok pszichofarmakológiai és neuropszichiátriai vonatkozásai
17.  Galanin immunoreactive neurons in the medulla oblongata of rats
18.  An immerdiate morphopathologic response of neurons to electroshock; a reliable model for producing "dark" neurons in experimental neuropathology
19.  Immortalized neural precursor cells: their use in pharmaceutical investigations in vitro and in vivo
20.  Immunocytochemical and electrophysiological investigations of central neurones in the parasitic nematode Ascaris suum
21.  Impaired glucose tolerance after streptozotocin microinjection into the mediodorsal prefrontal cortex of the rat
22.  Importance of the enteric nervous system in the control of the migrating motility complex
23.  The influence of peripheral nerve grafts predegeneration stage on the regrowth of hippocampal injured neurites and concomitant changes in submicrosomal fraction proteins of grafts
24.  Intracellular recordings with patch-clamp pipettes from neurons; technical problems in analysis of conductance changes during brief oxygen deprivation of hippocampal slices
25.  Intrinsic neuronal time delays can be compensated in cat visual cortex and frog tectum with regard to motion analysis
26.  Kappa opioid receptors: characterization and possible function in differentiating neuronal and glial cells
27.  A középfül szenzoros beidegzésének és eredetének igazolása immunhisztokémiai módszer felhasználásával
28.  Long-term effect of perinatal neurochemical lesions of brain monoaminergic neurons on body growth, growth hormone secretion and thyroid activity
29.  Miről vall az agyszelet: közös pontok a tanulásban és az agykárosító folyamatokban?
30.  Morphological alterations of neurons in brains of kittens prenatally exposed to ethanol
31.  Neurochemical characterization of kidney regulating brainstem neurons identified by pseudorabies transneuronal labeling
32.  Neuroimmunológia 1990
33.  A neuronális differenciáció génaktivációs jelenségei
34.  Neuroprotective and neuronal rescue effects of selegiline: review
35.  Neuroscience highlights: The mirror inside our brain = Rövid ismertetés az idegtudományok területéről: tükör az agyban
36.  A neurális funkció tanulása : miért nincs valódi utánzás a majmoknál?
37.  Number of GABA immunonegative and GABA immunopositive neurons in human epileptic temporal cortex
38.  Ontogeny of galanin-immunoreactive neurons in the central nervous system of the chicken
39.  Postnatal expression pattern of doublecortin (DCX) in some areas of the developing brain of mouse = A doublecortin postnatalis expressziós mintázata a fejlődő egéragy egyes területeiben
40.  Receptor components of glutamate-evoked increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration of neurons in culture
41.  Removal of olfactory placode prevents the development of LHRH neurons in the forebrain of the chick embryo: possible interaction between migrating LHRH neurons and highly polysialylated form of neu...
42.  Response variability and stimulus discrimination capacity of neurons in monkey inferior temporal cortex
43.  Rohypnol nemspecifikus hatásának experimentális vizsgálata óriás neuronokon
44.  The role of membrane properties, synaptic input and electrical junction in determination of spike output of a pair of peptidergic neurons in the mollusc Lymnaea stagnalis
45.  A "ruha" teszi a neuront - az extracelluláris mátrix különböző megjelenési formái gerincesek központi idegrendszerében
46.  Structural impairment of hippocampal neurons following a single epileptic afterdischarge
47.  Subcorticalis band heterotopia (double cortex)
48.  Subthreshold membrane potential dynamics of posterior parietal cortical neurons coupled with hippocampal ripples
49.  Tengerimalacból izolált I. típusú ganglion spirale neuron depolarizációja által aktivált K+ áramok jellemzése
50.  Types of neurons and synaptic relations in the lateral superior olive of the cat: normal structure and experimental observations

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