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HIPPOCAMPUS - Kapcsolódó tételek

1.  Behavioural aspects of a modified crosstalk between basal ganglia and limbic system in Parkinson's disease = Viselkedési mintázatok vizsgálata a bazális ganglionok és a limbikus rendszer átfedésében
2.  Calretinin immunoreactivity in the monkey hippocampal formation
3.  Calretinin-containing interneurons innervate both principal cells and interneurons in the CA1 region of the human hippocampus
4.  Dendritic changes in the hippocampus of aged rats
5.  Effects of high salt concentration on the open probability of the background chloride channel
6.  The effects of physical exercise on parahippocampal function
7.  Effects of prenatal irradiation on behaviour and hippocampal neurogenesis in adult rats
8.  Electrophysiological characteristics and morphological properties of dentate granule - and CA3 pyramidal cells in slices cut from neonatally irradiated rats
9.  Az emberi hippocampus születés utáni morfológiai fejlődése = Postnatal development of the human hippocampal formation
10.  Fornix léziót követő amnesztikus szindróma, avagy Létezik-e reverzibilis Korsakow szindróma?
11.  The hippocampal opiodergic system: a comparative immunocytochemical study in four rodents
12.  A hippocampus és az amygdala MRI-volumetriás vizsgálata egészséges egyénekben
13.  Hippocampus és pszichiátriai zavarok
14.  Insights into the structure and function of the hippocampal formation: Relevance to Parkinson's disease = A hippocampus strukturális és funkcionális szerepe Parkinson-kórban
15.  Interhemispheric propagation of seizures in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy = Interhemisphaerialis rohamterjedés vizsgálata temporalis epilepsziás betegek esetében
16.  Interictalis tükörfókusz hippocampalis sclerosissal járó temporalislebeny-epilepsziában
17.  An intracellular investigation into the postsynaptic responses of the principal cells in slice preparations from rat hippocampal formation
18.  Intracellular recordings with patch-clamp pipettes from neurons; technical problems in analysis of conductance changes during brief oxygen deprivation of hippocampal slices
19.  Morphological characterization of growth, differentation and cell proliferation in long-term slice-cultures of the immature rat hippocampus
20.  Neuroscience highlights: Main cell types underlying memory and spatial navigation = A navigációban és memóriában szerepet játszó főbb hippocampalis sejttípusok
21.  Newly identified steady-state potassium channels in rat hippocampal neurons
22.  Pulsed EMF stimulation increased BDNF and activated S6 levels in the hippocampus of senescent rats
23.  Short-time predegenerated peripheral nerve grafts promote regrowth of injured hippocampal neurites
24.  Structural impairment of hippocampal neurons following a single epileptic afterdischarge
25.  Subthreshold membrane potential dynamics of posterior parietal cortical neurons coupled with hippocampal ripples
26.  Time course of changes in long-term potentiation of synaptic transmission following subcortical deafferentation on the rat hippocampus
27.  Two different forms of long-term potentiation in the hippocampus

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