251. | | | Mátrix-asszisztált lézer deszorpciós, ionizációs, repülési idő mérésén alapuló tömegspektrometria speciális alkalmazása a klinikai mikrobiológiai diagnosztika területén
252. | | | A műíny műfogakkal határos szélének mikrobiológiai vizsgálata lemezes fogpótlásokon
253. | | | Natural killer (NK) and NK-like cells at mucosal epithelia: mediators of anti-microbial defense and maintenance of tissue integrity
254. | | | New drug effects on bacteria, the antiplasmid effect
255. | | | Nosocomial infection due to Enteroccus cecorum identified by MALDI-TOF MS and Vitek 2 from a blood culture of a septic patient
256. | | | Novel developments in small bowel diseases and intestinal microbiota : presentation by Sherine Khater (France) at Gastro Update Europe 2018, Prague, June 15-16.
257. | | | Néhány baktérium érzékenysége nehézfémekkel szemben
258. | | | Néhány szó a haemoculturáról, tapasztalatok és tanulságok
259. | | | Az onkobiózis és a daganatok kapcsolata
260. | | | Onkobiózis és mikrobiális metabolikus jelátvitel pancreas-adenocarcinomában
261. | | | Az Országos Epidemiológiai Központ által szervezett mikrobiológiai körvizsgálatok
262. | | | Outlines of the immunological research in the institute of microbiology; Semmelweis Medical University
263. | | | Pasteur emlékezete
264. | | | Pasteur's place, role and importance in the history of philosophy
265. | | | Pathotyping blaCTX-MEscherichia coli from Nigeria
266. | | | Penicillium antifungal protein (PAF) is involved in the apoptotic and autophagic processes of the producer Penicillium chrysogenum
267. | | | Performances of new isolates of Bifidobacterium on fermentation of soymilk
268. | | | Phylogenetic diversity of bacterial communities inhabiting the sediment of Lake Hévíz - A comparison of cultivation and cloning
269. | | | Potential role of microbiological agents in sudden infant death syndrome
270. | | | Prevalence of human herpesvirus 6A and 6B during pregnancy
271. | | | Prevalence of infection with Toxoplasma gondii in landrace and mixed breed pigs slaughtered in Baja California Sur State, Mexico
272. | | | Prevalence of plasmid-mediated AmpC ß-lactamases in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae at tertiary care hospital of Islamabad, Pakistan
273. | | | Prevalence of Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (2010-2013): The first Croatian report
274. | | | Prevalence of TET genes mediating tetracycline resistance in Escherichia coli clinical isolates in Osun State, Nigeria
275. | | | Prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection in brain and heart by immunohistochemistry in a hospital-based autopsy series in Durango, Mexico
276. | | | A probiotikumok immunológiai és terápiás hatásai
277. | | | Probléma baktériumok előfordulása intézményünkben
278. | | | Pro-inflammatory potential of Escherichia coli strains K12 and Nissle 1917 in a murine model of acute ileitis
279. | | | A Pseudomonas aeruginosa mikrobiológiája, klinikai jelentősége cystás fibrosisban, új lehetőségek a terápiában
280. | | | Quorum sensing jelentősége a fonalas és sarjadzó gombák biofilm képzése során
281. | | | Rapid methods and computer assisted diagnosis in medical microbiology
282. | | | Reevaluating the hype: four bacterial metabolites under scrutiny
283. | | | Relationship between kinetics of growth and production of exo-electrons: Case study with Geobacter toluenoxydans
284. | | | Review and phylogenetic analysis of qac genes that reduce susceptibility to quaternary ammonium compounds in Staphylococcus species
285. | | | The role of gelatinases in Campylobacter jejuni infection of gnotobiotic mice
286. | | | The Role of IL-23, IL-22, and IL-18 in Campylobacter Jejuni Infection of Conventional Infant Mice
287. | | | The role of microbiota and immune system crosstalk in cancer development and therapy
288. | | | Rosszindulatú szájüregi daganatfelszínek mikrobiológiai vizsgálata
289. | | | Salmonella infection in healthy pet reptiles: Bacteriological isolation and study of some pathogenic characters
290. | | | A sebfertőzések mikrobiológiai diagnosztikájának jelentősége és gyakorlata
291. | | | Seed mycoflora of Ephedra aphylla and amino acid profile of seed-borne Aspergillus flavus
292. | | | Selective gelatinase inhibition reduces apoptosis and pro-inflammatory immune cell responses in Campylobacter jejuni-infected gnotobiotic IL-10 deficient mice
293. | | | Selective inhibition of representative dermato-venereological pathogens by Sárvár (Hungary) thermal salt crystal : antimicrobial effect of Sárvár salt crystal = A Sárvári sókristály szelektíven gát...
294. | | | Serdülőkorúak fogazati állapotának és a nyál mikrobiológiai vizsgálati eredményeinek összefüggései
295. | | | Seroepidemiology of Toxoplasma Gondii Infection in People Applying for Medical Certificates
296. | | | Seroprevalence and entomological study on Chikungunya virus at the Croatian littoral
297. | | | Seroprevalence of Campylobacter-Specific Antibodies in two German Duck Farms - A Prospective Follow-Up Study
298. | | | Serum interleukin-6 levels in murine models of Candida albicans infection
299. | | | Serum Neopterin and Procalcitonin Levels in Relationship with Pediatric Burn Wound Infections
300. | | | A short history of microbiology in Hungary from the beginning to 1951