101. | | | Cytochemical effects of biologically active substances on the heart muscle
102. | | | A daganatos betegségek haláloki koncentrációjának magyarországi alakulásáról
103. | | | Dantrolennel kezelt fatalis malignus hyperthermiás esetek értékelése
104. | | | A delirium tremens aktuális kérdései
105. | | | Delirium tremens és keringési elégtelenség : szempontok a komplex ellátáshoz
106. | | | Determination of trace cadmium and other elements in bone by epithermal neutron activitation analysis
107. | | | Diagnosztikus és terápiás problémák vékonybél bacteriális contaminatio súlyos esetében
108. | | | A different approach to hair analysis: application to multiple sclerosis
109. | | | Different changes on hepatic drug-metabolizing system caused by non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs
110. | | | Different sensitivity of cholinergic and dopaminergic neurons to sulpiride
111. | | | Differential binding of agonists and antagonists to GABAA and glycine receptors
112. | | | Differential responsiveness to antiarrhythmic drugs in the rabbit atrio-ventricular conducting system
113. | | | Dihydropyridine calcium antagonists prevent cocaine-, but not amphetamine-, induced dopamine release and motor activity in rats
114. | | | Dihydropyridino-sensitive calcium channels in opioid-induced thermic and behavioral effects
115. | | | Dithranollal és "tape stripping"-gel kiváltott dithranol tolerancia fokozódási egérfül-modellen
116. | | | DNS analizis az emlő, a gyomor és a pajzsmirigy citológiai keneteinek vizsgálatában
117. | | | Dopamine, dopexamine and dobutamine as inotropic and automatotropic agents
118. | | | The dose-related hypotensive effect of highly purified bovine liver angiohypotensin in narcotized normotensive rats
119. | | | Dr. Egyed Béla (1911-1990)
120. | | | A drogkérdés Magyarországon és egy gyógyító-nevelő intézet munkája
121. | | | A dual membrane stabilzing and calcium blocking effect of KHL-8430 (Chinoin), a fendilin analog on the heart
122. | | | Early regeneration of colony forming units in culture (CFUc) of murine bone marrow after moderate doses of dibromomannitol
123. | | | Effect of amprilose on various immunological and inflammatory animal models
124. | | | The effect of angiotensin I and III on the arachidonate cascade of brain microvessels
125. | | | Effect of capsaicin, resiniferatoxin and piperine on ethanol-induced gastric ulcer of the rat
126. | | | Effect of CH-1O3, a beta adrenergic receptor antagonist on the activity of Ca2+, Mg2+-ATPase in rat cardiac sarcolemma
127. | | | The effect of CH-38083 on the motility and passive avoidance behavior of male sprague-dawley rats
128. | | | The effect of different opiates on acidfied ethanol-induced gastric lesions in rats
129. | | | Effect of different vegetable oils on arrhythmias induced by myocardial ischemia in hypercholesterolemic rats
130. | | | The effect of Dinh land and (-)deprenyl on the survival rate of male rats
131. | | | Effect of D-penicillamine on rat brain cortex lipid peroxidation induced "in vitro" and "in vivo" by iron-compounds
132. | | | Effect of fenoldopam on action potential characteristics in left atrial and right ventricular papillary fibers of guinea-pig
133. | | | Effect of heparin and prostacyclin-heparin infusion on blood coagulation in haemodialysed patients
134. | | | The effect of nedocromil and dexamethasone on the antigen induced changes of sheep tracheal smooth muscle responsiveness
135. | | | The effect of neuropetide y on feeding and its alteration by receptor antagonists in rats
136. | | | Effect of nitroglycerin and a nitroglycerin-like substance in isoprenaline (ISO) necrosis and hypoxia
137. | | | Effect of parental smoking on wheezy bronchitis and bronchial hyperreactivity
138. | | | The effect on cimetidine on the rat sciatic nerve - gastrocnemius muscle preparation in vivo
139. | | | Effects of bisphosphonates on cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system
140. | | | Effects of central putative neurotransmitters on dimethylphenyl-piperazinium-induced emesis: pharmacological and physiological implications
141. | | | Effects of free radicals-generating system on voltage-gated Na channels of single myelinated nerve fibres
142. | | | Effects of inhibition of cardiac potassium, and calcium channels on the digoxin-induced cardiotonic arrhythmogenic and toxic actions
143. | | | Effects of neurohypophyseal hormones on cocaine-induced behavioral sensitisation
144. | | | The effects of receptor blockers on atrial natriuretic peptide-induced action on passive avoidance learning in rats
145. | | | Effects of restacorin (B-GYKI-38233) a new antiarrhythmic agent in a coronary occlusion-reperfusion canine model
146. | | | Egy elfelejtett gyógymód: a köpölyözés
147. | | | Az egyoldali, intermittáló emlőstimulálás jelentősége az antenatalis magzati diagnosztikában
148. | | | Egészséges emberek hiányos nyomelem ellátottsága a szérum és a plazma multielemes analízise alapján
149. | | | Egészséges szivet a világnak! (Telekonferencia a Hiltonban)
150. | | | Az Egészségügyi Világszervezet és a Nemzetközi Diabetesz Szövetség által szervezett Saint Vincent-i ülésen (1989. okt. 10-12.) elfogadott deklaráció a diabetesz gondozásáról és a vele kapcsolatos k...