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1.  131I, 134Cs and 137Cs concentrations in 1986 for some Rumainian foodstuffs
2.  Accumulation of 137 Cs by mushrooms from rogozno area of Poland over the period 1984-1988
3.  Aerosol, Milk and Wheat Flour Radioactivity in Albania Caused by the Chernobyl Acciedent
4.  Alpha-emitting radionuclide contents in food samples as related to the Chernobyl accident
5.  Chernobyl radioactivity in Turkish tea and its possible health consequences
6.  Chernobyl-derived radiocesium in some pharmaceutical plants
7.  Fallout 241 Am concentration in food human tissue
8.  A lakosság alimentáris eredetű belső sugárterhelése Győr-Moson-Sopron megyében a csernobili reaktorbalesetet követő években
9.  A method for the evaluation of the Cs-137 ingestion following the Chernobil accident
10.  Radiocesium concentration in milk after the chernobyl accident in Japan
11.  Radionuclide contents in environmental samples as related to the Chernobyl accident
12.  A rapid method for the determination of strontium-90 in powdered milk
13.  Simultaneous determination of 232Th and 238U in biological samples : Application to the estimation of their daily intake through diet
14.  Tritium concentration in some European foods
15.  Tritium level in Japanese diet and human tissue

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