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Szerzők:Wazzan, Mohammad A.; El-Diasty, Mohamed Tarek
Folyóirat:Imaging - 2023. 15. évf. 2. sz.
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  Colonic basidiobolomycosis masquerading as colon cancer with liver metastasis: A case report and review of literature / Mohammad A. Wazzan, Mohamed Tarek El-Diasty
  Bibliogr.: p. 118. - Abstr. eng. - DOI:
  In: Imaging. - ISSN eISSN 2732-0960. - 2023. 15. évf. 2. sz., p. 115-118. : ill.

Basidiobolomycosis is a rare subcutaneous fungal infection caused by Basidiobolus ranarum. Gastrointestinal Basidiobolomycosis GIB has been increasingly reported in the literature. We present a case of a 50-year-old male patient who presented by abdominal pain and weight loss. Imaging showed a left colon mass with a small liver lesion. Provisional diagnosis of colon cancer with liver metastasis was made. Endoscopic stenting and biopsy were done, and the results of the biopsy were not conclusive. The condition was complicated by perforation, and emergency laparotomy was done. The diagnosis of colon Basidiobolomycosis was reached from surgical histopathology. Unfortunately, the patient?s condition deteriorated post operatively and the patient passed away a few days after surgery. GIB is a rare fungal infection commonly presenting as a colonic neoplastic mass or inflammatory bowel disease. The endoscopy biopsy usually fails to provide definitive diagnosis. Post-operative histopathological examination with or without culture provides a definite diagnosis. Treatment of GIB includes surgical resection with appropriate antifungal therapy which revealed dramatic response in most of the cases. However, delayed diagnosis and treatment lead to dissemination of the disease which is life-threatening condition.  Kulcsszavak: basidiobolomycosis, colon cancer, antifungal