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Szerzők:Simbana, Stalin Santiago Celi; Mora, Diego Sebastián Andrade
Folyóirat:Imaging - 2023. 15. évf. 2. sz.
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  Disseminated cysticercosis in humans / Stalin Santiago Celi Simbana, Diego Sebastián Andrade Mora
  Bibliogr.: p. 103. - Abstr. eng. - DOI:
  In: Imaging. - ISSN eISSN 2732-0960. - 2023. 15. évf. 2. sz., p. 101-103. : ill.

Human cysticercosis, caused by the parasitic infection of Taenia Solium, is an important challenge for public health in Ecuador and other countries where poor sanitary conditions are a key factor for its appearance. In this series of cases, we publish the imaging findings corresponding to three patients treated in 2022 at the Center of Medical Specialties "Comité del Pueblo" Quito - Ecuador, in which, through radiographic images, multiple radiodense lesions were found in different anatomical regions which follow the typical pattern of distribution parallel to the muscular tissues of the affected region, generating the radiological sign known as "rice grain calcifications", which corresponds to the presence of Disseminated Cysticercosis (DCC)in the muscular tissue of the host.  Kulcsszavak: cysticercosis, disseminated cysticercosis, parasitic diseases, Ecuador