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A cikk állandó MOB linkje:
MOB:2004/2-3; 2024/2
Szerzők:Ma, Xuefeng; Wang, Min; Zhou, Weiran; Zhang, Zhaojie; Ni, Haosen; Jiang, Anhang; Zheng, Yanbin; Du, Xiaoxia; Potenza, Marc N.; Dong, Guang-Heng
Folyóirat:Journal of Behavioral Addictions - 2024. 13. évf. 2. sz.

  Wanting-liking dissociation and altered dopaminergic functioning: Similarities between internet gaming disorder and tobacco use disorder / Xuefeng Ma [et al.]
  Bibliogr.: p. 606-609. - Abstr. eng. - DOI:
  In: Journal of Behavioral Addictions. - ISSN 2062-5871, eISSN 2063-5303. - 2024. 13. évf. 2. sz., p. 596-609. : ill.

Background: Although internet gaming disorder (IGD) has been included in the DSM-5 for approximately 10 years, debate remains regarding its existence and classification. Methods: The current research incorporated three approaches. First, implicit association tests were used to examine for potential dissociation between wanting and liking in IGD. Second, brain features in wanting and liking circuits were tested and compared with tobacco use disorder (TUD) when performing a cue-craving task to explore the neural features of wanting and liking. Third, dopaminergic systems were investigated in IGD and TUD using neuromelanin-sensitive MRI. Results: The implicit association test results supported a wanting-liking dissociation in IGD participants. Functional MRI data suggested neural correlates underlying wanting-liking dissociation in IGD and TUD participants, with positive correlations suggesting greater dissociation with increasing addiction severity. Neuromelanin results suggest dopaminergic differences in IGD and TUD relative to healthy control participants. Conclusions: A wanting-liking dissociation in IGD participants suggests gaming motivations in IGD relating to incentive sensitization rather than hedonic responses. The neuromelanin-sensitive MRI results suggest dopaminergic involvement in IGD and TUD. The findings suggest similar brain-behaviour mechanisms for IGD and TUD based on an incentive-sensitization model for addiction, having implications for potential therapeutic strategies and policy-based interventions. Kulcsszavak: addictive behaviours, compulsive behaviours, video games, internet gaming disorder, internet addiction, wantingliking dissociation, dopamine