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Szerzők:Heimesaat, Markus M.; Schabbel, Niklas; Langfeld, Luis Q.; Shayya, Nizar W.; Mousavi, Soraya; Bereswill, Stefan
Folyóirat:European Journal of Microbiology and Immunology - 2023. 13. évf. 4. sz.

  Prophylactic oral application of resveratrol to alleviate acute campylobacteriosis in human gut microbiota associated IL-10-/- mice / Markus M. Heimesaat [et al.]
  Bibliogr.: p. 147-149. - Abstr. eng. - DOI:
  In: European Journal of Microbiology and Immunology. - ISSN 2062-509X . - 2023. 13. évf. 4. sz., p. 135-149. : ill

Human infections with the food-borne zoonotic enteropathogen Campylobacter jejuni are increasing globally. Since multi-drug resistant bacterial strains are further on the rise, antibiotic-independent measures are needed to fight campylobacteriosis. Given its anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties the polyphenolic compound resveratrol constitutes such a promising candidate molecule. In our present placebo-controlled intervention trial, synthetic resveratrol was applied perorally to human gut microbiota-associated (hma) IL-10-/- mice starting a week before oral C. jejuni infection. Our analyses revealed that the resveratrol prophylaxis did not interfere with the establishment of C. jejuni within the murine gastrointestinal tract on day 6 post-infection, but alleviated clinical signs of campylobacteriosis and resulted in less distinct colonic epithelial apoptosis. Furthermore, oral resveratrol dampened C. jejuni-induced colonic T and B cell responses as well as intestinal secretion of pro-inflammatory mediators including nitric oxide, IL-6, TNF-a, and IFN-y to basal levels. Moreover, resveratrol application was not accompanied by significant shifts in the colonic commensal microbiota composition during campylobacteriosis in hma IL-10-/- mice. In conclusion, our placebo-controlled intervention study provides evidence that prophylactic oral application of resveratrol constitutes a promising strategy to alleviate acute campylobacteriosis and in consequence, to reduce the risk for postinfectious autoimmune sequelae. Kulcsszavak: resveratrol, Campylobacter jejuni, enteropathogenic infection, immune-modulatory effects, human gut microbiotaassociated IL-10-/- mice, campylobacteriosis model, host-pathogen interaction, placebo-controlled preclinical intervention study, prophylactic treatment, humanized mouse infection model