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Szerzők:Wang, Qingyu; Wang, Xinyi; Chen, Chunling; Zhao, Li; Ma, Jie; Dong, Kai
Folyóirat:Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica - 2023. 70. évf. 3. sz.

  Analysis of NDM-1 and IMP-8 carbapenemase producing Raoultella planticola clinical isolates / Qingyu Wang [et al.]
  Bibliogr.: p. 197-198. - Abstr. eng. - DOI:
  In: Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica. - ISSN 1217-8950, eISSN 1588-2640 . - 2023. 70. évf. 3. sz., p. 193-198. : ill.

Object of our study was to analyze the carriage of resistance genes in carbapenem-resistant Raoultella planticola (CRRP) by whole genome sequencing (WGS). Three strains of CRRP (named WF0027, WF3597 and WF3648) were collected for clinical analysis and susceptibility of antimicrobial agents was determined. The WGS of three strains was done by Illumina platform and strain identification was performed by average nucleotide identity, and the antibiotic resistance genes carried by the three strains were detected by ABRicate software. Whole genome data of 46 CRRP strains were downloaded from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database, and the evolutionary tree was constructed by genomic single nucleotide polymorphism together with this study strains. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing revealed that WF3597 and WF3648 were susceptible to tigecycline and colistin, while exhibited resistance to 24 antimicrobial agents. WF0027 was resistant to 18 antimicrobial agents. A total of 25 resistance genes were identified using ABRicate software. WF0027 carried blaIMP-8, whereas WF3597 and WF3648 carried blaNDM-1 carbapenem resistance gene. As predicted by the PlasmidFinder, WF3597 and WF3648 carried one plasmid IncFII(p14)_1_p14, whereas WF0027 carried five plasmids. Evolutionary tree results show all strains are clustered into six groups, the strains WF3597 and WF3648 belonged to the same evolutionary group (E clade) and WF0027 belonged to the F clade. Three CRRP strains in our study carried carbapenem resistance genes (blaNDM-1 or blaIMP-8) and were resistant to multiple antimicrobial agents, posing a significant challenge for clinical treatment.  Kulcsszavak: carbapenem-resistant Raoultella planticola, antibiotic resistance genes, homology analysis, whole genome sequencing