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Szerzők:Bata Zsófia; Horváth András Attila
Folyóirat:Kaleidoscope - 2021. 13. évf. 23. sz.

  History of Alzheimer's disease (AD) from the perspective of leading research theories / Bata Zsófia, Horváth András Attila
  Bibliogr.: p. 149-151. - Abstr. eng. - DOI:
  In: Kaleidoscope. - ISSN eISSN 2062-2597. - 2021. 13. évf. 23. sz., p. 143-151.

Alzheimer's disease is the leading cause of cognitive deterioration. Alois Alzheimer decribed it the first time in 1907. In the last five decades, there were emerging numerous hypotheses about the pathomechanism of this condition. The first one, the cholinergic hypothesis resulted in important antidementia medications. Amyloid cascade theory set direction for many years in the Alzheimer research. Currently, it also contributed to te licencing of a novel pharmaceutical Aducanumab. Additionally, latest hypotheses shed light on the new aspects of the pathology of dementia. Thes study emphasizes the historical landmarks of Alzheimer's research and reveals their interactions as well.  Kulcsszavak: Alzheimer-kór, amiloid, tau, oxidatív stressz, gyógyszer fejlesztés