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Szerzők:Mátyás Eszter
Folyóirat:Kaleidoscope - 2021. 13. évf. 22. sz.

  Krónikus vesebetegség múltja, jelene és jövőbeli lehetőségei a multidiszciplináris gyógyítás fényében  / Mátyás Eszter
  Bibliogr.: p. 503-505. - Abstr. eng. - DOI:
  In: Kaleidoscope. - ISSN eISSN 2062-2597. - 2021. 13. évf. 22. sz., p. 496-505. : ill.

Since the early treatment of kidney diseases, there have been significant achievements in medical technology. In the middle of the last century, serious ethical considerations surrounded the selection of patients suitable for dialysis, however, all patients who need it today can receive dialysis in all developed countries. Focusing on biological factors, psychosocial support for patients has been relegated in modern medicine. End-stage renal diseases lead to crisis situations, various treatments of kidney replacements contribute to a significant mental burden with a serious impact on the patients' social activities. Due to the simple and tangible features of the peer support mediating knowledge, behavioural patterns and societal values - albeit informally - it was always present with its evidence-based positive effects. Nevertheless, until recently, only a few programs have been developed with a focus on peer support.  Kulcsszavak: krónikus vesebetegség, dialízis, kortárstámogatás