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Szerzők:Simon Botond
Folyóirat:Kaleidoscope - 2020. 12. évf. 21. sz.

  Az igazságügyi fogorvosszakértés múltja, jelene és jövője / Simon Botond
  Bibliogr.: p. 163-164. - DOI:
  In: Kaleidoscope. - ISSN eISSN 2062-2597. - 2020. 12. évf. 21. sz., p. 156-174. : ill.

Forensic dentistry dates back more than 200 years. Yet Oscar Amoedo, a Cuban-born dentist, is considered the father of forensic dentistry. Heemphasized the dentists' role in humans' identification, and laid down the general principles of dental identification in his dissertation 1989. Dental experts must have interdisciplinary knowledge to do his or her job. From the teeth development through the type of materials of various restorations and the appearance of specific diseases, he/she has to consider the entire oral cavity. As it happens today, for the last 60-70 years too, the victim's dentist testified the positive match by the dental identification. Nowadays, there are available plaster models, paper or digital based patient records, x-rays to support forensic dentistry. In the future, digital technology will make identification even faster and more accurate, and based on the patients' 3D digital models, CBCT images, or palate samples, artificial intelligence (AI) guided computers will be making identifications even without any human assistance.  Kulcsszavak: igazságügyi fogorvos, emberi azonosítás, digitális fogászat, igazságügyi azonosítás, igazságügyi fogorvosszakértés