MR angiográfia alkalmazása a mediastinum kórfolyamatainak diagnosztikájában / Repa Imre [et al.]
Bibliogr. 22 tétel, Abstr. hun., eng.
In: Medicina Thoracalis. - ISSN 0238-2571. - 1995. 48. évf. 3. sz., p. 103-110.
The author's presented new MR methods in the diagnostic work of mediastinum. MR angiography can made correct information from the vascular structura of mediastinum. According to the author's results the 3D "Time-Of-Flight" method is a clinically reliable, non invasive method which can be used routinely after the conventional T1 or T2 weighted measurement. However, presently MR angiography can not substitute for the conventional angiography or DSA.